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Grade an exam

Follow this guide to create an exam, import your papers, and start grading with Examino.

Dimitri Nicolas avatar
Written by Dimitri Nicolas
Updated over 3 months ago

Have your students just handed in their exam papers? Gather the exam questions (in PDF format or paper) and the answer sheets, then open the Examino app!

Step 1: Create your exam

From Examino's home page, click the "Create exam" button located in the top right corner of the main menu.

Select the education level of your assessment from the presented list. This choice helps Examino evaluate your students' work more accurately.

Step 2: Import your exam content

Import your exam questions either as a PDF file or as photographs. If your exam contains multiple pages or consists of several documents, import them one after another.

Preferably import an answer key in PDF format that includes the expected answers for each question.

Confirm your import by clicking the "Next step" button on the left side of your screen.

Step 3: Import student papers

Import each student's paper one at a time. Make sure to click the "Add paper" button after each import to distinguish them from one another.

Be sure to anonymize each imported paper by covering the student's name with another sheet of paper, for example.

You can freely import one or more PDF files or photographs for each paper.

Consider using the mobile scanner with the QR code to import paper copies more quickly.

Validate your imports by confirming that you have anonymized your papers and clicking the "Validate papers" button on the left side of your screen.

Step 4: Validate the grading scale and questions

The final step involves validating the list of assessment questions, and for each one, its points value and details regarding the expected student response.

You can delete, add, reorder questions and modify each of their parameters.

Make sure to carefully review and detail as precisely as possible the expected answers for each question. This step is crucial for efficient grading of all your papers.

Once the grading scale is validated, you can start grading your papers by clicking the "Start grading" button.

Your papers are being analyzed!

Count approximately 30 seconds before seeing the first graded papers appear in the Examino application!

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